Refashioning the Past-Kimono ReMake


Refashioning the Past-Kimono ReMake


This Zoom workshop will lead you through the process of re-fashioning a full kimono into a garment that you can wear any day of the week. We will take a bit of the past and bring it into the present by disassembling parts of it and stitching it back together!

Here’s how it will work:
This workshop takes place over three Zoom sessions.
Materials are simple- a kimono, needle, thread, a seam ripper, scissors and an iron. All work will be done by hand and does not require a machine.

Session One will be the Intro and a session about what types and materials work best for this project. I will show you a collection of mine and tell you why and why not certain ones work better (in my opinion). You can show me what you have and we can discuss if it is a good candidate for the project. I will show you the ones I have done so far. (1 1/2 hours)

Session Two will be the disassembling of the kimono and preparing it for reassembly. (about 2 hours)

Session Three will be the reassembly of the piece and hand stitching it back together. (about 2 hours)

For those wanting to share their finished pieces I will collect photos from you and post them on the blog.

All sessions will be recorded on Zoom and available for one month following the session.

I’m going to do two sessions of this workshop, one more immediately, and the other about 3-4 weeks later. This will allow those who may not have a few kimono laying around to acquire one. I am working with a friend in Japan (some of you know Richard) on having him send me a set that you can choose from if you want to buy from us. Of course you can search other vendors as well, but we are curating a set that has already been predetermined to work for this project.

Dates for these two workshops are below:
Workshop #1
May 5, 12, & 19 10 AM to Noon (all Thursdays)

Workshop #2
June 4, 11, 18 11AM-1 PM (all Saturdays)

Please be able to participate in Zoom sessions. If you have any questions, please email me.

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